domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010


Today i have to crate a metaphore and some strategies that may help to the internationalization process of the Personalized Stencils. The following information would be sent to my parterns abroad so I have to explain deeply how it works

The personalized stencils* that CarlosCreations are going to commercialize consist in an internet based business where the customer designs its own stencil to use it on the street or its own bedroom, after being design the customer pays through the web page and after 2 days the product arrived to be used. The personalized stencils will create among the customers a feeling of satisfaction that will encourage the development of their personal identity, the product will be directly involved with the satisfaction of the higher level needs like self actualization and self-esteem because the product will be dealing with personal growth and fullfilment and at the same time developing a stronger achievement feeling due to the creativity.

Taking in to account that this will create all the mentioned feelings in the customers; a good way to put this on a metaphor could be “you mind is a canvas that transport your essence to the reality”.
the comparison of the mind with a canvas is a good way to state that the mind as a canvas is the base of all the artistic creations (when you paint whit oil) and is the fundamental element to express what we think and feel to the environment that surround us.

All this can be strengthen whit a campaigns (E-marketing) that encourages and elevates the appreciation for the creativity, specially the one that comes from our own ideas, in other words from our mind.

Image References:


* A sheet, as of plastic or cardboard, in which a desired lettering or design has been cut so that ink or paint applied to the sheet will reproduce the pattern on the surface beneath.

1 comentario:

  1. Carlos, YOu are doing a good job on your blog. I don´t think you undesrtood completely what was the task ok the metaphor. But is a good try. I watched the video of "las Bananeras". I am glad you are aware of huge historical mistakes. Nevertheless I think it is not just something about not respecting other cultures, but believing one´s culture is better than other ones... it means we have to think on different ways to create development. GOOD JOB
